I'm in a funny mood today. I got sunburnt yesterday, and am now wearing about an inch of makeup to try to hide my poor red forehead. I don't normally wear makeup at all, so I feel a bit like one of those celebrity "how not to do it" pics where they show Barara Cartland wearing industrial strength blusher and false eyelashes you could knock people over with...
The funny thing is that looking around most women are wearing just as much slap as me. And it is normal for them. WEird.
I think all of this has come to the fore this week because I have just under a week left before Lady V takes herself off on her travels and heads retrograde in my sign. Not just gone, you understand, but gone backwards. Maybe it is so she can get a better view of my poor dejected face as she thumbs her nose at me and my plans for love yet again.