Well I did get the snot beaten out of me, and it wasn't pretty. Challenging life experiences - 1, small insignificant human being - 0.
Still, I can take comfort from the fact that this was a learning experience. Something that I will certainly never forget. Again everyone was very helpful with the advice in hindsight, but nobody stood in my way to stop me from learning the hard way. Maybe trying to speak at my grandmother's funeral and breaking down completely at the lectern was something that I needed to do for my own personal and spiritual development?
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe it was the most devastating and embarrassing thing that I have done in my whole adult life.
What I can take away from the experience is that there are important lessons that I learned from my grandmother. That I can be true to myself, and fearless, even in the face of crushing defeat.
Maybe she had one last lesson to teach me afterall.